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Image by Inge Poelman

Our mission, values, certification process & what holistic trauma-informed sexuality means.

Our vision, mission, values and principles contain the essence of Tantric Sexology.

Here you can read the why, what and how of everything we do.

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We want to create a world where holistic, trauma-informed tantric sexuality is normal.

​In our experience, the journey towards holistic, trauma-informed sexuality serves the change we want to see in the world by:

- Creating awareness on how everything and everyone is connected. 

- Allowing to slow down and resensitise the body and mind.

- Bringing awareness to traumas and (un)conscious conditioning.

- Opening the body and mind up to their innate wisdom and pleasure.

- Feeling the richness our emotions have to offer without judgement

- Enabling people to notice and express boundaries and desires.

- Showing the workings of sexual (life-force) energy and how to navigate it.

- Having people experience different layers of consciousness.

- Relating consciously to ourselves and others.

- Connecting people to their authentic expression.

As Tantric Sexology, this is our contribution to the evolution of humanity.


Through our embodiment educations, we take people on a personal and professional embodiment journey as well as support them in deepen their essence embodiment and purpose. Once certified, Tantric Sexologists join our community of holistic, trauma-informed leaders, facilitators and visionaries. Together we support each other as a community and human evolution through one-on-one client sessions, workshops, festivals, and other creative ways. 

 We define ourselves by bringing a high level of integrity into the field of tantra and sexuality, and our holistic and trauma-informed approach of combining embodied experience with the ancient wisdom of tantra and the modern approach of science. 




A Tantric Sexologist feels safe and is able to authentically express themselves, is doing/familiar with shadow work & trauma work, is de-armoured and has unlocked the orgasmic potential of their body.



A Tantric Sexologist has knowledge of trauma and the autonomic nervous system, has dived deep into their own timeline, is aware of their own trauma responses and knows how to regulate their nervous system. Is aware of responses in clients and how to rewire trauma.



A Tantric Sexologist is familiar with the consciousness of oneness, is able to track what happens in their system on a physical, emotional, energetical, mental and spiritual level and act in a way that serves the highest good. They are able to see how everything is connected. Are able go to the root cause of a clients issue rather than symptom treatment.



A Tantric Sexologist is able to connect to and knows how to surrender to consciousness, is aware of their own ego, judgments
and conditioning and does not let them interfere while serving in line with the highest good.



A Tantric Sexologist is aware of their sexual shadows, arousals and behaviours, is authentic in their sexual expression, they are aware of and have lived out their sexual fantasies, has a good understanding of boundaries and consent, and embraces without judgment a wide range of genders, body types, sexuality and relationship diversity.



A Tantric Sexologist embodies a high level of integrity. They know how to frame therapy and session, acts professionally, upholds the TS code of ethics, is a part of the TS community, has supervision and is certified.



A Tantric Sexologist has a basic understanding of neo tantra, neuroscience, de-armouring, myofascial release and sexology.

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A holistic perspective

The essence of all existence is consciousness and through that root, everything is connected. We approach life and human beings from this perspective. This means we acknowledge all aspects of life as an expression of the devine, the dark and the light. A tantric sexology practitioner is open to all parts of existence and our being.

Somatic guidance & wholness 

We believe everyone is whole and powerful. Therefore we teach you to guide clients into their own wisdom and power rather than giving advice or coaching or being the "healer,or saviour". We teach you how to guide clients somatically and from non-interference with a solid tool box as your foundation.


Consciousness has no judgement

What this means is that there is no right or wrong, there are only consequenses. The discernment of right and wrong is seen as a mental process. At Tantric Sexology we try not to judge in terms of right or wrong, rather we look at an individual's unique timeline and see what is in alignment in the moment. There is a Buddhist saying ‘as many monks as many paths’, which fits perfectly in this philosophy.

Life is a dance between polarities

We believe that in order to embody your full potential it is important to explore the masculine and feminine polarity in your being. The first step from essence is masculine and feminine or ‘shiva’ or ‘shakti’ as it is called in some tantric traditions. During the education we will invite and challenge you to stretch yourself in both directions.

As above so below

This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life. What happens on one plane of existance has its impact on all planes. The micro and the macro are constantly connected with eachother. The body, for example, reflects what is alive on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. Another example is that what happens in ourselves is a reflection of what happens in the world.

Share from an authentic place & embodied experience

There are so many schools, teachings, theories and systems in the world. Because of internet they are more easily accesible then ever. We want to remind you that your experience is what matters most. We invite you to question us and everything you read. Explore what feels right to you and what is in alignment with your truth. Disagree, be sceptic and curious. Explore the teachings and methods yourself, so you can find out what works for you. It is important to be authentic in what you share and that you share only what you have lived yourself. This is how you become able to embody your essence and share it with the world.

Sexual energy as a fuel for manifesting your purpose

In Tantra sexual energy is recognised as a gateway to different states of consciousness, eventually even a way to reach union with the devine. By building up our sexual energy (for instance by refraining from peak orgasms) and learning how to direct the energy it can become a very powerful tool for health, healing, deconditioning of limiting beliefs and patterns that do not serve anymore. In this way sexual energy is used for personal and spiritual growth and manifesting a life that is alinged with your essence. Recognising sexual energy in this way turns sexuality in a genuine spiritual practice.

We are trauma-informed

It is our opinion that when working in the field of tantra and sexuality it is essential to have an understanding of trauma and the nervous system. Given the amount of people in the world that have experienced (sexual) trauma, as tantric sexologists, we need to be able to recognise signs of trauma response and know how to help our clients regulate, so that we can serve them best. If we don’t the sessions will be less effective or risk re-traumatising someone.

How is our education rooted in tantra 

Tantra is a rich spiritual philosophy which has roots going back thousands of years and branches that reach across many asian countries and cultures. Since reaching the west it has transformed even more with the upcoming of neo-tantra. Tantric Sexology is not an in depth tantra education, there wouldn’t be enough time to do it justice. However, the fundament of Tantric Sexology is rooted in tantric & neo tantric principles like: a holistic perspective, polarity, the principle of correspondence and recognising sexual energy as life force. As an education we aspire to give you a solid understanding and experience of these principles, so that you can apply these in your personal and professional life in a modern world.

We use scientific insights for structure & safety

Just as Tantric Sexology is not an in depth tantra education, it is also not an in depth education in sexology. We acknowledge the contribution science, in the form of psychology, neuroscience, epigenetics and sexology have made in navigating the landscape of the personality and opening to deeper layers of authenticity. We use the insights, models and techniques created in these fields as tools to give structure and safety so that the necessery deconditioning can take place for us and our clients to embody our authentic expression of self. There are different types of sexologists, ranging from clinical sexologists to sexological bodyworkers. On this spectrum we position ourselves in the area of sexological bodywork as we use talk, movement, breath and touch-based approaches to help our clients.

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The certification process

Bringing Integrity to the field of Tantra and Sexology.

Tantric Sexology is a new paradigm of education in the realm of Tantra and sexuality.
We believe in the transformative power of Tantra and sexuality for deep healing, rewiring, and pleasure. However, we recognize the potential risks when therapists lack relevant professional embodied experience or awareness - it can (re)traumatize and cause harm.  Or when a professional lacks embodied experience or somatic sensitivity. Our mission is clear: to bring more integrity into this field and fill the gap.

Unlike many tantra and trauma-informed educations that certify anyone attending, we've chosen a different path. We believe that certification should reflect more than just attendance - it should mirror a commitment to quality, embodied experience, and professionalism.  

Here is our certification values :

Our certification 

Quality over quantity

We value quality over quantity. Certification at Tantric Sexology signifies not just attendance but a completion of a deeply transformative personal and professional embodiment journey.

Trust in profeesionals

When you meet a Tantric Sexologist certified by us, you can trust that they operate from embodied experience, are trauma-informed, and are dedicated to bringing more integrity to the field of Tantra and Sexuality.

Protection for you as a therapist

Stepping into this field without the relevant embodiment or expertise can cause serious problems not only for your clients, but also for you. For everyones protection, we will not certify you if we believe you are not ready.

Every student receives a Certificate of Attendance for participating, but only those who complete the education, embody our values, and pass the examination earn the title of Tantric Sexologist.

As a student, our commitment is to support you from the beginning. Our selective intake process ensures that you are surrounded by like-minded individuals who resonate with your level of embodiment and passion. Throughout the education, feedback moments, 1-on-1 calls with the facilitators, peer evaluations, and two three-day supervision weekends offer insights into your growth potential and provide clarity on your path to certification.

Support every step of the way

Dynamic certification process

Recognizing the collective trauma associated with traditional examination approaches and deadlines, we take a different route. Certification is not a single moment; it's a dynamic and organic process unfolding over time, honoring your unique journey. After the six modules, there is a certification module, but if you don't feel ready, you have 1.5 additional years to certify. This allows you to integrate and practice what you have learned. You can then choose to certify when you feel ready, in alignment with your timeline. 

In essence, the Tantric Sexology Embodiment Education is more than just certification; it's an invitation to join a community of like-minded professionals dedicated to bringing integrity to the field.

With love 

The Tantric Sexologist team

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The right to use our certified trademark logo for your Tantric Sexology offerings
Presence and marketing on the Tantric Sexologist website

Client referrals and recommendations 

Being a part of the HEA network and offerings

Job possibilities within the Tantric Sexology organisation

A community of likeminded people for personal and professional support




The limitations of what you can use the education for depend on your own timeline and embodied experience outside of the education. We will provide you with a solid foundation and methods to work with clients in a one-on-one setting and to facilitate groups and workshops in the field of personal growth, tantra and sexuality. 

In practice, we find that people who certifies find ways that suits their unique essence,  alignment and business. There are Tantric Sexologists providing one-on-one sessions, group facilitation,  organising festivals and hosting workshops, creating online offerings but there is also the possibility to focus on sex education at schools, provide deep dive immersions for clients, or to integrate the teachings into your own company. Your passion will guide you.

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