Start September 2024 - Live modules in Denmark / Sweden
With Guest Teacher Aron Michael
18-month trauma-informed embodiment education
Imagine yourself deeeping your embodiment, professional leadership and purpose.
Imagine being at the forefront of embodied evolution & leadership.
Imagine holding space for holistic, trauma-informed tantric sexuality within yourself and the world.
Imagine working together with like-minded professionals to support each other and human evolution.
Imagine feeling confident & clear showing up as a professional facilitator and embodied Tantric Sexologist!
The Tantric Sexologist Embodiment Education is for tantric practitioners, bodyworkers, therapists, sexologists, psychologists, coaches, facilitators and other professionals who want to deepen their personal and professional embodiment journey and master the areas of tantric sexuality, trauma awareness, shadow work, and conscious relating. To become a highly valued professional in the field of evolutionary sexuality education.
The journey of this education consists of 3 layers :
We are all about walking the talk. So on your personal embodiment journey, we dive deep into the embodiment of Tantric Sexuality and into your timeline, taking a deeper look at / rewire the (sexual) trauma and shadows that you have developed over your lifetime. We work on ways to recognise your relational patterns and how to regulate yourself. In addition to the trauma and shadow work, we use bodywork (e.g. myofascial release, de-armouring and tantric touch) to help open your body to more pleasure, your multiorgasmic potential and energy, so that you are able to embody more lifeforce and your authentic essence. We journey into going from peak to valley orgasms.
The professional embodiment journey is about how to show up as a holistic, trauma-informed Tantric Sexologist when guiding clients and groups. This aspect of the education contains comprehensive support on how to frame therapy and sessions with clients in a safe, trauma-informed way, informed consent and professional boundaries, the importance of respecting client privacy, data security and different techniques and methods in the realms of trauma, shadow work, tantric sexuality and conscious relating that you can use as a Tantric Sexologist. This will set you up to become a master of integrity.
A third important element of the education is that the Tantric Sexology facilitators and other professionals in the education are there for 18 months to support you in your unique, authentic essence, life purpose, and soul business. They share their experiences in the field, are available to answer your questions, and provide you with feedback and reflections tailored specifically to your unique timeline and gifts. Many of our students have significant expansion during the period because of this support.
You can also see the Tantric Sexologist Education as the ultimate Embodied Leadership training for your life purpose!
An important part of our mission as an academy is to bring more integrity into the field of tantra and sexuality. Because we guide everyone through a profound personal and professional embodiment journey, as well as guiding you through finding/deepenng their unique alignment in the field we are certain that every certified Tantric Sexologist shows up in a holistic, trauma-informed way and has a genuine longing to serve the Tantric Sexology vision and mission in their own unique way.
After being certified as a Tantric Sexologist, you will gain access to a group of peers who support each other and offer supervision as Tantric Sexologists. You will also have the opportunity to co-create together or to assist and/or facilitate at official Tantric Sexology events based on your timeline.
Do you:
Desire to step into/deepen your embodied leadership and unique purpose ?
Want to free yourself deeper from your limiting beliefs and conditioning?
Deepen your embodiment in the areas of trauma, shadow work, tantric sexuality and conscious relating?
Long to be part of a community of leaders and visionaries like yourself, that support each other and co-create together?
Resonate with our vision to create a world where holistic, trauma-informed sexuality is normal?
See the importance of bringing integrity in the field of tantra and sexuality?
Longing to expand your soul business, health and wealth?
Then this education might be perfect for you. Apply below and we will contact you for an admission interview.
Tantric Sexology is founded to provide a solution to the disconnection we see in the world. We observe that many people live their lives disconnected from their sensitivity, bodies, intuition and sexuality. The demands of our fast-paced society have created a world where productivity is prioritized over presence, achievement over authenticity and conformity over creativity. In our opinion, this is the cause for a lot of the unresolved trauma and suffering in the world.
Additionally, we observe that many of the therapists and facilitators intending to remedy these issues lack the awareness on embodiment, trauma and shadows to do so. They are either not able to help or worse, they (re)traumatize their clients.
At Tantric Sexology our vision is to create a world where holistic, trauma-informed sexuality is normal. We do this, by educating Tantric Sexologists who are embodied, trauma-informed leaders, facilitators and visionaries. Our Tantric Sexologists work from their deepest essence to serve their clients with integrity.
We believe that the journey of bringing awareness to holistic, trauma-informed sexuality is the key to healing and feeling safe for people to embody their authentic expression of self.
In our experience, the journey towards holistic, trauma-informed sexuality serves the change we want to see in the world by:
Creating awareness on how everything and everyone is connected.
Allowing to slow down and desensitising the body and mind.
Bringing awareness to traumas and (un)conscious conditioning.
Opening the body and mind up to their innate wisdom and pleasure.
Enabling people to notice and express boundaries and desires.
Showing the workings of sexual energy and how to navigate it.
Having people experience different layers of consciousness.
Relating consciously to ourselves and others.
Connecting people to their authentic expression of Self.
As Tantric Sexology, this is our contribution to the evolution of humanity.
This education requires a certain level of educational background and experience in the field of personal development, coaching, and/or healing modalities.
◆ You are over 25 years old.
◆ You have a deep passion for this field and are willing to step out of your comfort zone.
◆ You have a certain level of embodiment experience, received therapy
and worked deep within yourself for some years.
◆ You are already a therapist, psychologist, coach, facilitator, sexologist, body therapist, masseur, tantra masseur or have completed The Pleasure Temple De-armouring Training,and/or you have experience with having clients.
We might make an exception about your professional requirement if you have<
significant embodied experience in personal growth or tantra.
After you have applied at the bottom of this page, we invite you for an admission interview.
The right to use our certified trademark logo for your Tantric Sexology offerings
Presence and marketing on the Tantric Sexologist website
Client referrals and recommendations
Being a part of the HEA network and offerings
Job possibilities within the Tantric Sexology organisation
A community of likeminded people for personal and professional support
The limitations of what you can use the education for depend on your own timeline and embodied experience outside of the education. We will provide you with a solid foundation and methods to work with clients in a one-on-one setting and to facilitate groups and workshops in the field of personal growth, tantra and sexuality.
In practice, we find that people who certifies find ways that suit business and their unique essence and alignment. There are Tantric Sexologists providing one-on-one sessions, group facilitation, organising festivals and hosting workshops, creating online offerings but there is also the possibility to focus on sex education at schools, provide deep dive immersions for clients, or to integrate the teachings into your own company. Your passion will guide you.
1. The Fundament
Introducing the Tantric Sexology basics, getting to know each other as a group and becoming your own best lover.
Diving into the TS mission, vision, values and principles | Introduction to the Tantric Sexology Model | Basic sexological and tantric knowledge | Comprehensive mapping of your personality, conditioning and sexual history | Learning how to track and increase awareness of your system on multiple levels | Introduction to tantric sexuality | Tools for becoming your own best lover | Establish your personal embodiment and self pleasure practice | Basic tools and therapeutic methods for client sessions and coaching conversations
2. Trauma Awareness
Understanding trauma from your own timeline and supporting clients in becoming aware of, regulating and healing trauma.
Understanding trauma, coping mechanisms and body armour | Mapping your timeline, childhood conditioning and trauma responses Introduction into neuroscience, the role of the vagus nerve and the polyvagal theory | Introduction to the window of tolerance | Trauma-informed practices for your own embodiment and to guide others into healing (sexual) trauma | Learning to regulate your nervous system and emotional hygiene practices | Myofascial release and de-armouring basics | Working with sexual trauma as a Tantric Sexologist
Uncovering and integrating your unconscious conditioning and behaviour on a personal and professional level.
3. Shadow Work
Introduction into shadow work | Working with the dark and golden shadow | Exploring personal and collective shadows | Mapping of your core projections, shadows and inner archetypes | Working with repressed emotions - especially your relationship to anger | Embracing your authentic power, boundaries and desires.
Exploring sexual shadows and archetypes | Methods for own embodiment process and engaging in shadow work with clients | How to regulate yourself and clients when engaging in shadow work | Becoming whole - learning to integrate your own shadows.
4. Tantric Embodiment
Deepening understanding of Tantric Sexuality and embracing your role and unique flavour as a Tantric Sexologist.
Tantric Sexological Anatomy |. Different practices to increase your embodied understanding of consent | Deepening understanding of tantric sexuality and different types of orgasms | Polarity play practices | Introduction to soft de-armouring of the physical and energetic body | Introduction to devotional tantric practices | Shifting emphasis from personal embodiment to professional embodiment | Creating a safe space for you and your client when working with sexuality | Exploring the pelvic-heart connection as a Tantric Sexologist | Techniques to improve the free flow of sexual energy in your clients system | Supporting clients to work with sexual turn-ons and tendencies | Opening up to and connecting to your unique essence and life purpose
5. Conscious Relating
Expanding in your own relationship skills as a foundation for guiding clients in their relationships.
Deepening your understanding of relating based on the Tantric Sexology Model | Emotional hygiene and shadow work in relating with yourself and others | Relating to yourself as the fundament for working with clients as a Tantric Sexologist | The building blocks for a trauma-informed and healthy relationship with others | The evolution of relationships - different forms of relating between people | Bringing awareness to the cyclical nature and different phases of a relationship | How to use polarity to help clients keep their relationship(s) juicy and alive | Theory and methods to guide individuals and couples in their relationships | Methods to guide clients into a deeper sexual connection | Understanding of equal and objective space holding as a professional therapist
6. Tantric Sexology II
The final steps in embodying tantric sexuality, up-leveling your business and serving clients as a Tantric Sexologist
Learning to guide clients on the path of becoming multi-orgasmic | How to use your sexual energy to manifest what you want in life | Supporting clients in the circulation of sexual energy during tantric lovemaking | Practicing tantric pleasure touch | Introduction to soft de-armouring of the pelvic area and genitals | Learning to facilitate emotional hygiene and polarity group practices | Deepening your experience with the consciousness of oneness | Methods to guide clients in connecting to their individual essence and gifts | Tantric Sexology toolkit to expand your business | Preparation for the certification module | Ceremony for completing the education
7. Certification
A practical examination and review of your Tantric Sexology journey.
Completion of education | Client session showcase | Group facilitation practice | Embodiment of Tantric Sexology Values | Forward vision and mission
"I have rarely encountered an education where there is so much focus on authenticity and embodiment. This not only helped me to connect to my deepest truth, but also supported me in how to act on it. I feel more confident as a man, husband and father, aligned with my purpose and ready to hare my gifts with the world. So much gratitude for all that poured their heart in this education!"
Torbjørn Hellmouth - Consultant, facilitator & therapist.
Silje Ballsneese - Actor, Tantric Sexologist & founder of Quantra
Being on the Tantric Sexologist education, I experience how I am expanding, re-wiring and growing every day. how I get more aligned with myself, my life purpose and the way I want to show up in this life. Witnessing such authentic teachers and listening to their deep wisdom really inspires me to embody the teachings. It helps me to hold a sacred space for clients, where I am truly in integrity with myself."
Karin Hellmouth - Trauma Terapist
Karin Hellmouth - Trauma Therapist
Natalie Galvær - Breathworker
Miluna Munch - Sexologist, De-armoruing & Vaginal therapist
Fie Sommer - Tantric Sexologist &yoga teacher
Luna Love - Self love coach
A high degree of personal responsibility and ownership of your own reactions, shadows and projections.
Readiness to integrate embodiment practices in everyday life and to let go of what no longer serves you.
A commitment to show up authentically throughout the education.
Openness and willingness to step out of your comfort zone, while taking responsibility for your own boundaries and desires.
400 + pages of
professional Tantric
Sexologist educational
Online educational space
with video access
Access evolutionary
Tantric Sexolgist material &
trauma-informed approach
6 residential modules at nature retreat
Healthy vegan food & Accommodation on all modules
Access to sauna on every module
1:1 & group spport on your personal and professional jouney
6 Supervision days in Copenhagen
Facebook support for 18 months
Support on your soul purposee
Support on your business
Access to network & co labs
Once certified acess to as listed above in cerfification section
Guest teachings by Aron Michael
6 Deep Live Modules of 5 days
Deep dive residential retreats where we immerse ourselves in the Tantric Sexology teachings while nourishing our being in nature and with delicious, locally produced organic meals.
18 Zoom calls of 2 hours
In between modules we meet every month for a teaching, integration or sharing call.
2 Group Supervisions
Group supervisions in the center of Copenhagen, meant for you to practice as a Tantric Sexologist and receive feedback from facilitators and peers.
1 Certification Module
This will provide you with personal feedback from the TS facilitators and the opportunity to get certified as a professional Tantric Sexologist.
1-on-1 and group mentoring by the Tantric Sexology facilitators
You will receive several 1-on-1 calls with the facilitators during your education, to support you in your personal and professional embodiment journey.
Exclusive access to TS material
At each module, you will receive exclusive material compiled by the facilitators based on their many years of experience and passion in the field. 388 pages of TS pro material.
Acess to online teaching space
You will receive access to our online teaching portal.
Buddy Group Support
Regular meetings with your buddy groups, providing practical and emotional support, while forming meaningful connections with like-minded people on the same journey.
Distribution of Hours
Live modules - 280 hours
Group supervision - 36 hours
Zoom calls - 36 hours
Practice sessions - 90 hours
Embodiment practice - 150 hours
Receiving professional therapy - 18 hours
Self-study - 90 hours
Article writing: 50 hours
750 hours in total
Location and Dates
The Modules
Module 1: The fundament
4-8 September 2024
Module 2: Trauma Awareness
4-8 December 2024
Module 3: Shadow Work
5-9 March 2025
Module 4: Tantric Embodiment
4-8 June 2025
Module 5: Conscious Relating
3-7 September 2025
Module 6: Completion
3-7 December 2025
Supervision and Certifications
Group Supervision 1
19-21 April 2025
Group Supervision 2
18-20 October 2025
5-8 March 2026
Easy and understandable. All teaching material in the folder will be in English. Teaching will be in English. You will always be able to share in Danish and translation is possible.
We do this since we normally have english speaking people in the group.
All 6 modules are held residential in lush nature including accommodation, sauna & food for all 5 days.
Krokshult 5, 360 10 Ryd
(ca 2 hour direct train ride from Copenhagen to Karlshamn)
Our supervisions and certification is held in Copenhagen.
Including food but not accommodation.
Education: 99.000 DKK + VAT
All accommodation + meals
29.000 DKK + VAT
Payment Possibilities
Pay the full amount of 128.000 DKK + VAT before 1 st of August 2024
3 x 42.666,- DKK + VAT , of which:
1. part immediately.
2. part by January 1st 2025
3. part by May 1st 2025.
Deposit 10.000 DKK + VAT to be paid immediately
Payment plan starts on August 1st 2024:
18 x 6555,- DKK + VAT + 199 DKK service fee.
Reach out to us via if you desire a different payment plan.
Remember that you can deduct the 25% VAT in your company.
If you are coming from a foreign country you might not have to pay the VAT or you can get it refunded. See below.
You are welcome to reach out to us if you have other payment plan suggestions that can work better for you.
24 spots available for 2024. Your spot is secured after the application has been approved,
we have had our intake conversation & you have made the first payment.
If you are coming from a foreign country you most likely do not have to pay the danish VAT or you can get it refunded.
Here below you find the education fee in EURO and VAT free amounts.
Education: 13.275 EUR
All accommodation + meals
3.887 EUR
Payment Possibilities
Pay the full amount of 17.162 EUR before 1 st of August 2024
3 x 5720 euro
1. part immediately.
2. part by January 1st 2025
3. part by May 1st 2025.
Deposit 1.340 EUR to be paid immediately
Payment plan starts on August 1st 2024:
18 x 878 EUR + 27 EUR in service fee pr month.
Reach out to us via if you desire a different payment plan.
Teacher during and outside the modules
Expertise: Essence embodiment, de-armouring, tantric body work, pleasure, neo-tantra, psycho- and trauma therapy, shadow work, emotional intelligence, epigenetics, sexuality, relationships, & Soulbusiness.
Riihannon Wilde is the founder of HEA, Tantric Sexology & The Pleasure Temple where she has been working with women, men and couples in this field for many years. She educates people in trauma-informed tantric de-armoruing and working deeply with trauma release, nervous system rewiring, psychosomatics and pleasure/ life force activation.
She has a background and foundation in psychotherapy, neuroscience and her own embodied experiences and is known for her highly sensitive channel and intuitive being.
She is passionate about the evolution of consciousness, shadow work, creating abundance on all levels, soulpurpose and she loves animals and nature more than anything.
Teacher during and outside the modules
Expertise: classical tantra, silent meditation, emotional hygiene, shadow work, embodiment, sexuality and relationships
Mathijs was a part of the first round of Tantric Sexologists. From the start he felt a deep alignment with his life purpose and the education. It ignited a burning passion to support human evolution by introducing the world to trauma-informed, holistic sexuality.
Apart from the dedication to his wife and son, he is currently fully committed to the vision and mission of Tantric Sexology. Combining many years of experience in leadership roles within
businesses with his experience in tantra, meditation, emotional hygiene and personal development, he is one of the driving forces behind the Tantric Sexology Education.
As a facilitator Mathijs is defined by his sharp mind, talent for sensing alignment in people and groups and ability to step into a non-interferent space, allowing for deeply safe and transformational spaces to emerge.
Teacher during the modules
Expertise: classical tantra, body work, tantric massage, sexuality, psycho- and relationship therapy
Celestine Andersen is the founder of The Garden of Eden in Copenhagen where she works as a tantra- and couples therapist and offers therapy and tantra massages.
Celestine is a trained yoga- and tantra teacher, tantra masseur and psycho- and couples therapist. She has worked intensively with yoga, tantra, and personal and spiritual development since the year 2000.
Celestine is known for being an insightful, sharp and humorous communicator. Her deepest passion is to create greater balance and understanding between men and women, release shame and shadows and embrace the whole human being.
Teacher during the modules
Expertise: Trauma informed Tantric De-armouring bodywork, specialized in women. Myofascial Energetic Release, Heart intelligence, Martial arts and Presence.
Jeroen Cops is the founder of Reconnect You Bodywork and has a foundation of 25 years of practicing and teaching Martial arts and 15 years of personal, spiritual and bodywork training. He is an expert in awakening the body's self-healing capacity.
He is passionate about working with women. Through supporting women to reach their highest potential women will support men to reach theirs so that we can lift each other up in compassion, integrity and understanding in order to build the world we want to see.
His mission as a bodyworker is to facilitate women in their journey by inviting them to consciously reconnect through their body to their essence.
World-renowned Guest teacher online and in person.
Expertise: Sexual intimacy, sexual anatomy, de-armouring & founder of the suction sex modality
Aaron Michael is the author of the Optimal Sex Life book and founder of the Suction Sex modality. Aaron has a unique and embodied approach to opening the body to more pleasure through de-armouring and sexual anatomic understanding.
He is passionate about changing the sexual paradigm and education worldwide. He is conducting research and working to bring change into healthcare systems. Together with Dr. Saida Desilets, he has created Embodied Love, where they teach about intimacy, pleasure and sacred sexuality.
During the education, you will get access to Aron's online teachings and have him as a guest teacher online and in person on specific modules. Together with us, he will support you in deepening your own embodiment process and professional skills.
Read more about aron here
There are no explicit sexual interactions as a part of this education, however, there will be nudity, body work, polarity play and tantric practices in the space.
You are at all times responsible for holding your own boundaries. Part of this education is to step out of your comfort zone, but it is never our intention to push you into something you do not want to experience.
An important part of our mission is to infuse the field of tantra and sexuality with more integrity, and you can expect that behaviour from us. As such, we strive to hold a clean, trauma-informed space. All facilitators are professionals and are very open to receiving your voice and feedback.
Tantric Sexology differs from more traditional sexology educations by having a holistic approach, meaning that we include insights from different tantric and contemplative traditions as well as modern science (psychology, neuroscience, epigenetics and sexology)
Another aspect where we differ significantly is in the area of embodied experience. Because we believe that it is not enough to share only from a theoretical understanding, our education emphasizes the personal embodiment process of all our students, so that they are able to share from embodied experience. This also means our students will be introduced to receiving and giving different forms of bodywork in addition to talk therapy.
Thirdly Tantric Sexology believes in the innate wisdom of the body and spirit. Therefore our approach focuses on empowering and reconnecting the client to their own wisdom, rather than diagnosing them and deciding a pre-defined treatment based on criteria.
We are a member of The Danish Sexologist Organisation in Denmark. The organisation holds a high standard of ethics and have credibility but it is not a higher official certification authority, so the official certification you will receive is through us - the team at The Human Evolutionary Academy.
As mentioned, our mission is to bring more integrity and embodiment to the field of tantra and sexuality. The certification and credibility is linked to our reputation and dedication to this mission.
If you have any doubts about whether or not this is the right education for you, you are always welcome to contact us before you apply. Feel free to call and talk to us - Send a text message to Mathijs on tel. +316 23 42 18 58 to schedule a call.